Finance Minister AMA Muhith termed the Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus a ‘politician’ while criticising the former Grameen Bank Managing Director on Wednesday.

“He orchestrated a press conference to pressurise the government. He is truly a politician,” he told Parliament.
“He is a very honourable person. I don’t want to say anything against him, but then again I am compelled.”
Earlier at the Wednesday’s Parliament session, BNP Senior MP Moudud Ahmed raising a point of order said that it would be ‘suicidal’ for the government to try decentralising Grameen Bank.
The debate evoked by the comment went on for almost an hour. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was present at the Parliament at that time.
Grameen Bank was founded through a military order in 1983.
The institution and its founder Muhammad Yunus were awarded the Nobel Prize for their effort in alleviating poverty through microcredit.
Later in 2010, a Norwegian media telecast a documentary alleged that professor Yunus illegally transferred aid given to Grameen Bank to one of its sister concerns.
In the wake of such controversy, the current government formed a commission to probe Grameen Bank’s operations. Commission in its reports recommended decentralisation of the bank.
Nine women members of the bank’s board of directors at a press conference on Monday protested the decentralisation and the move to raise government stake in the institution.
Muhith, however, claimed the press conference was orchestrated by Yunus.
At Wednesday’s Parliament session, Muhith dismissed the claims that Grameen Bank was not linked to Grameen Phone. “The statement is false. Not true.”
“There have been a lot of developments after Yunus left the bank. He could not give time, so board meetings could not come up with any decision,” the Finance Minister said.
Earlier, BNP Standing Committee member Moudud Ahmed had said they would return ‘all powers’ to Grameen Bank and allow it ‘full freedom’ if voted to power.
Source: Bd news24
Mr Muhith’s criticism of Prof. Yunus is “rubbish”, “nonsense” and an “stupid” act. Prof Yunus is too big compared with the dwarfs who dishonour him regularly.
Mr Muhith is too old and mentally ill to hold a position of great responsibility like looking after the finance and economy of 160 million people. He has presided over all the big financial scandals and corruptions over the last four and half years. He did nothing to stop the rot in the government run banks that cost the ordinary people hundreds of millions of Taka. Now he wants to punish Prof Yunus by dismantling the Grameen Bank set up and allow the ruling party cabals to grab the assets of this great institution. This man should be tried for covering up the biggest financial crimes in Bangladesh history.
Place for this senile sycophant Muhit is in a mental hospital and that is exactly where he is – he is at Hasina’s mad house where virtuous gets violated and evil gets garlanded!