PM: Control your terrorist forces


‘It was under orders from Khaleda Zia that Awami League supporters and freedom fighters were attacked’

Awami League activists and freedom fighters were attacked throughout the country under orders from BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said.

“I will urge her (Khaleda) to control the terrorist forces she has unleashed,” the premier told the media on Wednesday morning. “She must control them.”

“If her party is composed of terrorists, we will take actions,” the premier said pointing to Khaleda’s “complains” of more than 19,000 BNP activists arrested.

Hasina made the comments after visiting post-election violence victims at the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation in the capital.

“She does not understand anything beside terrorism – it is her job to create terror and kill people. She uses Razakars and war criminals to do her dirty work.”

The administration is completely functional and will take steps regarding this matter, the premier said in response to a relevant query.

Regarding affiliation with Jamaat-e-Islami, she said: “I do not know what personal relationship she has with them.”

“But, since Jamaat and Shibir are carrying our such attacks, it proves that these activities are endorsed and ordered by her (Khaleda).”

Health Minister Mohammad Nasim and junior Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal were accompanying the premier in her visit to the hospital.

Source: Dhaka Tribune