The Bangladesh Freedom and Democracy Forum (BFDF)
Free Bangladesh of hegemonism and authoritarianism, and establish a patriotic and democratic government
“India Out,” “Awami League Out”, “Anti-Muslim Bigots Out”
Existential threat
Mirza Fakhrul, on 28 June 2024, said that the existence of Bangladesh was in danger due to the Awami League government’s policy towards India. Rightly said. But since, 1/11, 2007, the BNP has not yet been seen to have taken any action about Indian hegemonism, although Bangladesh thwarted hegemonism for 31 years from 1975 to 2006, though India kept on conspiring, such as Zia was assassinated in an Indian plot, in which Ershad and Hasina co-operated. On the contrary, the BNP has been appeasing India since 1/11, 2007. In order to survive, Bangladesh needs to defeat fascism and hegemonism, and establish a patriotic and democratic government. To defeat hegemonism, we urgently need to form resistance committees throughout the country, whether the committees are small or large, whether these belong to political parties or not.
According to reports, ‘India massacred 250,000 Muslims in 1947 Kashmir genocide’. Some rights groups say, in the Indian-Occupied-Kashmir, more than 100,000 people have been killed by the security forces since 1989. Nehru perpetrated genocide in annexing Hyderabad in 1948. He killed 200,000 people, 1 million according to some estimates, to annex Hyderabad. There are fears of anti-Muslim genocide again anytime now. The Time magazine reported in 2021 that anti-Muslim genocide was openly demanded at public rallies. The Genocide Watch group in 2022 warned of “signs and processes” of genocide in the Indian state of Assam and Indian-Occupied Kashmir.
Thousands of communal riots
BJP-RSS instigated thousands of communal riots, in which hundreds of thousands of non-Hindus, predominantly Muslims, were killed.
India’s 200 million Muslims have been living without rights, and facing persecution and state terrorism every now and then. As Arundhati Roy described, they get lynched, killed, incarcerated, economically and socially boycotted, their homes and properties are bulldozed with complete immunity to the perpetrators, and the Muslims are threatened to be stripped of citizenship. This being the order of things, in 2020, the BJP Chief Minister of UP, Yogi Adityanath, said in an open meeting, ‘We will take Muslim women out of graves and rape them’. The Hindutvaists and the government demolished and occupied mosques, killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims in attacks, riots and brutal repressions. The world powers look the other way, as India is a big market, conveniently forgetting that hate campaign against any religion is a crime.
Akhand Bharot
The Hindu, a leading newspaper in India, reported on 25 July 2014, “The State government (of Gujarat) has issued a circular dated June 30 for six of Dr. Dinanath Batra’s books to [be used/adopted by] all 42,000 primary and secondary schools in the State of Gujarat”. In one of these books, Tejomay Bharat (Shining India), Dr. Batra claims “Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar as part of undivided India or “Akhand Bharat”.