BNP to wage “simultaneous” movement with Gano Samhati Andolan to oust govt: Fakhrul

Tue May 31, 2022 06:35 PM Last update on: Tue May 31, 2022 07:44 PM
Photo: Collected

The BNP today said that it reached a consensus with Gano Samhati Andolan to wage a “simultaneous” movement to ensure the fall of the Awami League government and establish a polls-time neutral government.

“We have reached a consensus to establish a people’s government ousting the current fascist regime, which has destroyed our all achievements, through a mass upsurge by uniting the country’s all people and political parties. We have also agreed on a simultaneous movement,” BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said.

After holding talks with Gano Samhati Andolan for nearly two hours, the BNP leader said both the parties think no change would come in the country if the current government cannot be removed from power.

He said they have agreed that the current government must step down, the parliament has to be dissolved, an election-time government will have to be formed.

“The future government and parliament will be formed through that election.”

Mentioning that Gano Samhati Andolan chief coordinator Zonayed Saki talked about it, Fakhrul said, “We also believe that some fundamental changes and amendments to the constitution are needed for democracy.”

Referring to their party acting Chairman Tarique Raman’s formula for a national government, Fakhrul said a government will be formed based on consensus through talks among the political parties — those who will win the polls under a neutral administration. “That government will bring the changes and implement those.”

He said they hope that all other political parties will also agree with their party’s demand for the release of Khaleda Zia and other political prisoners and the withdrawal of cases against 35 lakh opposition leaders and activists.

As part of BNP’s ongoing dialogue with political parties to forge unity for a greater movement for the “restoration” of democracy, a party delegation, led by its secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir joined the talks around 12:15 pm at Ganosanghati Andolan’s Hatirpool central office.

The other BNP delegation members include its standing committee members Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuk and former MP Zahir Uddin Swapan.

Ganosanghati Andolan’s chief coordinator Zonayed Saki, its executive coordinator Abul Hasan Rubel, political council member Taslima Akhter, party leaders Hasan Maruf Rumi, Bachchu Bhuiyan, Deepak Roy, Shyamoli Shil and Mizanur Rahman, among others, took part in the talks.

Zonayed Saki told media that the current constitutional structure needs to be changed as the current regime established autocracy based on the current constitutional structure.

He also said they made seven specific reform proposals including complete separation of judiciary from administration, reforms of article 70, balance of power between prime minister and president, and introduction of two chamber parliamentary system.