The H. B Wells – M.O. Ghani Fellowship honors the pivotal role played by Indiana University School of Business (now the Kelley School) toward the establishment of the Institute of Business Administration at Dhaka University in 1966. It also celebrates the contributions and personal friendship of then Chancellor Herman B Wells and Dr. M. Osman Ghani, which have impacted business education in Bangladesh.This biennial fellowship enables one professor from the Institute of Business Administration at Dhaka to spend three weeks during the fall semester in-residence at the Kelley School of Business in Bloomington, Indiana.
The goals of the fellowship are to allow Institute of Business Administration professors to:
- Study modern techniques and tools used to teach at Kelley School of Business.
- Audit undergraduate and graduate classes.
- Interact with Kelley School of Business faculty.
- Make themselves available to guest lecture.
- Sit on panels or otherwise discuss academic accomplishments and challenges at the Institute of Business Administration with Kelley faculty and students.
- Attend social and cultural events at Indiana University.
Upon return to the Institute of Business Administration, the fellow will provide a faculty seminar open to senior faculty members from business schools in Bangladesh. This seminar will be organized and sponsored by the Institute of Business Administration and is intended to highlight applicable lessons from the Kelley School of Business and focus on modern business school pedagogy.
It is the intention of the H. B. Wells – M. O. Ghani Fellowship that this partnership, over time, will form a community of innovators within the discipline of business education that impacts Bangladesh and both institutions. The Herman B. Wells – M. O. Ghani Faculty Fellowship is made possible by generous gifts to Indiana University from Mrs. Veronique Yousuf and M. Osman Yousuf, the youngest son of Shamsun Nahar and M. Osman Ghani