The prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, on Wednesday asked the police force to take any action to be deemed necessary to keep the country’s law and order situation under control and ensure public safety.
She said Bangladesh Nationalist Party has no sympathy for the country and its people as the party did not create the country.
‘We have created the country. So we have sympathy and responsibility to build the country with the ideals of the War of Liberation for which millions of people embraced martyrdom,’ she added.
The prime minister said this while addressing the senior officials of Bangladesh Police marking the Police Week-2015 at her office at Tejgaon.
Sheikh Hasina said on the development outlook, there were some basic difference between the Awami League and the BNP. ‘We want to make the country self-reliant in food, BNP wants to make it dependent. We want to stump out poverty while BNP wants to make the nation as a begging one,’ she said.
Urging the police officials to work with strong mentality to handle the terrorist and militant activities of BNP-Jamaat, she said, ‘Today my only expectation to you is improvement of the law and order so that we can move forward the country’s economy’.
The prime minister said, ‘as the head of the government I’m giving you the liberty to take any action wherever and whenever it will be deemed necessary against the arsonists killing people pouring on petrol.’
Sheikh Hasina said BNP chairperson can understand the suffering of losing her son. ‘But it is very unfortunate that she still cannot understand the woes and wails of the people who are losing their near and dear ones everyday in the petrol bomb attack of her party-men,’ she said.
The state minister for home Asaduzzaman Khan, senior secretary of home ministry M Mozammel Haq Khan and inspector general of police AKM Shahidul Haque also spoke on the occasion.
Source: New age