Senior BNP leader Moudud Ahmed has urged the government to ‘walk the path of compromise’ and restore the neutral caretaker provision in the Constitution.
He said there were only two options before the government: one, compromise; the other, conflict.
“It seems they (the government) are choosing conflict,” Moudud said at a discussion in Dhaka on Friday.
“There’s still time; come to terms and reinstall the caretaker government provision in the Constitution before your term expires,” he said, warning of ‘dire consequences’ otherwise.

Moudud, a former Awami League leader, criticised Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s son Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed’s recent speech claiming the Awami League would be re-elected.“Her (Hasina) son has spoken her mind and hinting at rigged polls,” he said.
On Tuesday, Hasina’s son, better known by his nickname, Joy, said at a Jubo League Iftar programme that he was optimistic about the ruling party winning in the general elections.
“I have information that the Awami League will return to power. The BNP propaganda must be tackled,” he had said.
Moudud, a former Law Minister, dubbed the Election Commission ‘a puppet institution’.
“It does whatever the government tells it to do.”
He alleged the commission was plotting to allot the BNP’s logo — a sheaf of paddy — to the newly-formed ‘Jatiyatabadi Front’.
“The present EC is as active as the one in 2007 to ‘weaken’ the BNP by all means,” Moudud claimed.
Source: Bd news24