Inward remittance in April witnessed a declining trend as it reached US$ 1,030.95 million compared to $ 1,229.36 million fetched in March this year.
The wage earners remittance inflow in April last year was 1,083.89 million.
Remittance earnings in the first 10 months (July-April) of the current fiscal year totaled $ 12,152.26 million compared $ 12,843.43 million during the same period of the last fiscal (2011-12).
According to provisional data released by Bangladesh Bank (BB) on Thursday, the country’s expatriates have sent home around $ 1,030.95 million by the end of April. Analyzing the central bank’s data, it has been found that the wage earner’s remittance inflow in April went down by $ 198.41 million as it was $ 1,229.36 million in March.
It has been found that out of total $ 1,030.95 million remittance inflow of April, $ 356.46 million came through the four state-owned commercial banks — Sonali Bank $ 121.38 million, Agrani Bank $ 129.40 million, Janata Bank $ 97.01 million and Rupali Bank $ 8.67 million respectively.
Bangladesh Krishi Bank, a specialized bank, deposited a total of $ 12.47 million inward remittances in April.
The Bangladeshi expatriates sent home $ 649.96 million through the country’s 30 private commercial banks.
Among the country’s commercial banks, the private commercial bank Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. has received the highest amount of $ 273.51 million remittance in April 2013.
Besides, the second highest $ 54.90 million came from another private commercial bank, National Bank Ltd, followed by $ 44.88 million from Brac Bank Ltd.
Source: UNB Connect