“After Malaysia, now workers will be sent to other countries,” he told a press briefing at his office.
Mosharraf Hossain said the registrations process will continue till October 10 next.
The minister informed that the registration process will begin in Dhaka and Barisal divisions on September 22 and continue till September 28 while in Rajshahi, Rangpur and Sylhet divisions it will continue from September 28 to October 4, and in Chittagong and Khulna divisions from October 4 to October 10.
The registration will be conducted at union information and service centres, city information and service centres at ward level of city corporations, pourashava service centers and district manpower and employment offices from 9am to 5pm every day, said the minister.
The per head registration cost is Tk 250.
The government will send workers to different countries over the next two years after the registration, said Mosharraf Hossain.
Earlier, the government selected 30,000 intending workers after registration to send them to Malaysia.
Source: UNB Connect