PLAINSBORO: Lewis and Nabi returned to Township Committee

PLAINSBORO — The exactly official yet, but incumbent Neil Lewis is celebrating an early victory for himself and incumbent Nuran Nabi.

Together, the Democratic duo won by a landslide by nabbing more than 70 percent of the votes on election night. While the mail-in and provisional ballots are still being added, the large margin makes it unlikely Republican opponents Krishna Jagannathan and Marjorie Doye Lyons will be elected.

This victory would mean Mr. Lewis’ 7th term and Mr. Nabi’s 3rd term on the Township Committee.

On Wednesday afternoon, the deputy mayor expressed pleasure in the local results.

”I’m humbled by the magnitude in the message we got from our community and I look forward to continuing my service to the community,” said Mr. Lewis, who has served 17 years on the committee. “Nuran and I are pleased and will continue to focus on maintaining the town’s good quality of life.”

According to the unofficial results from the town clerk’s office, Mr. Neil came out on top with 4,523 votes with Mr. Nabi right behind at 4,074.

Mr. Jagannathan and Ms. Doyle Lyons each won about 15 percent of the ballots, with 1,907 and 1,932 votes respectively.

”Personally, I’m very proud of the kind of response we got from the community,” said Mr. Lewis. “It shows they are happy and comfortable with the services and oversight given to the township.”

Mayor Peter Cantu expressed the same sentiments on Wednesday, describing the Democratic turnout on both a local and county level as “very significant.”

The mayor said he does not expect the additional absentee and provisional votes to change the results very much and welcomed the idea of having Mr. Nabi and Mr. Lewis serve another three years.

”We are pleased about it as Democrats and we’re pleased about moving forward,” said Mayor Cantu.

Candidates Mr. Nabi, Ms. Doyle Lyons and Mr. Jagannathan were not able to be reached in time for the publication of this article.