Most visited countries worldwide

France is the most popular visited country around the world, with more than 81 million visitors each year

France is the most popular visited country around the world, with more than 81 million visitors each year.

That is 20 million more than the U.S. even though America is 15 times the size of France.

Malaysia (10), Mexico (11) and Ukraine (14) also stand out in the list.

Top 50 most popular countries by visitors

Rank       Country    Annual Visitors

1              France  81,400,000

2              United States    62,700,000

3              China     57,600,000

4              Spain     56,700,000

5              Italy       46,100,000

6              Turkey  34,000,000

7              United Kingdom 29,300,000

8              Germany             28,400,000

9              Russian Federation         24,900,000

10           Malaysia              24,700,000

11           Mexico 23,400,000

12           Austria  23,000,000

13           Hong Kong SAR, China   22,300,000

14           Ukraine                21,400,000

15           Thailand               19,200,000

16           Saudi Arabia       17,500,000

17           Greece 16,400,000

18           Canada 16,000,000

19           Poland  13,400,000

20           Macao SAR, China            12,900,000

21           Netherlands       11,300,000

22           Singapore            10,400,000

23           Hungary               10,300,000

24           Croatia  9,900,000

25           Korea, Rep.        9,800,000

26           Egypt, Arab Rep.              9,500,000

27           Morocco              9,300,000

28           Czech Republic  8,800,000

29           Switzerland        8,500,000

30           South Africa       8,300,000

31           Indonesia            7,700,000

32           Ireland  7,600,000

33           Romania              7,600,000

34           Belgium                7,500,000

35           Denmark             7,400,000

36           Portugal               7,300,000

37           Bahrain 6,700,000

38           Bulgaria                6,300,000

39           India      6,300,000

40           Japan    6,200,000

41           Vietnam               6,000,000

42           Australia              5,900,000

43           Argentina            5,700,000

44           Brazil     5,400,000

45           Sweden               5,000,000

46           Norway                5,000,000

47           Tunisia  4,800,000

48           Dominican Republic        4,300,000

49           Finland 4,200,000

50           Jordan  4,000,000

Source: Dhaka Tribune