Martial law in Thailand

Thailand’s army has declared martial law on Tuesday to restore order after six months of anti-government protests.

But the army denied that it was staging a military coup, reports Reuters.

The surprise announcement was made on telivision at 3am (4pm EDT on Monday).

The caretaker government led by supporters of self-exiled former premier Thaksin Shinawatra was still in office, military officials and the country’s justice minister said.

Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha later said the military was taking charge of public security because of violent protests that had claimed lives and caused damage.

Nearly 30 people have been killed since the protests began in November last year.

“We are concerned this violence could harm the country’s security in general. Then, in order to restore law and order to the country, we have declared martial law,” Prayuth said.

“I am asking all those activist groups to stop all activities and cooperate with us in seeking a way out of this crisis.”

Thailand has been stuck in political limbo since Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Thaksin’s younger sister, and nine of her ministers were dismissed on May 7 after a court found them guilty of abuse of power. An acting prime minister has since taken over.

The crisis, the latest installment of a near-decade-long power struggle between former telecoms tycoon Thaksin and the royalist establishment, has brought the country to the brink of recession.

The military, which put down a pro-Thaksin protest movement in 2010, has staged numerous coups since Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932. The last one was in 2006 to oust Thaksin, a billionaire who commands huge support among the rural poor.

Source: Dhaka Tribune