Ilias Disappearance: Daylong hartal in Sylhet Thursday

Ilias Mukti Sangram Parishad and BNP will enforce a daylong hartal in the district on Thursday demanding the tracing of missing BNP leader M Ilias Ali.

Ilias Mukti Sangram Parishad and Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal called the shutdown from a rally held at the Central Shaheed Minar on August 17.

Later, BNP and its other front organisations extended their support to the hartal.

Activists of Ilias Mukti Sangram Parishad and associate bodies of BNP, including Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal, Chhatra Dal, Jubo Dal, Tanti Dal, Jasas and Ulema Dal, brought out processions at different points of the city on Wednesday in support of the shutdown.

They also held a rally at Court Point at noon where Ilias Mukti Sangram Parishad joint convener and Swechchhasebak Dal vice-president Shamsuzzaman Zaman, Sunamganj district BNP vice-president Mujibur Rahman Mujib and central JCD vice-president Abdul Ahad Khan Jamal spoke.

Ilias Ali, BNP organising secretary and a former MP, went missing along with his driver in the capital on April 17 midnight last year.

Source: UNB Connect