Hasina advises Chhatra League to stay away from violence, drugs

Bangladesh Chhatra League organised a rally at Dhaka’s Suhrawardy Udyan on Tuesday as part of a reunion celebration for its 69th anniversary.

Chief of the ruling Awami League, Hasina urged its affiliate organisation to prepare so that it can ‘take forward the progress’ brought on by her party.

“I’ll tell the Chhatra League to stay away from terror, militancy and drugs.”

“Those who still derail will face strict actions,” she warned.

“We have started our journey towards glory. Every leader and activist of Chhatra League will have to prepare themselves so that this journey can continue.”

“Being a student politician does not mean you can neglect your studies. In the end, it’s your education that no one can take away. It is the tool to free a nation from poverty.”

Hasina said she wanted Chhatra League to create public awareness against militancy which was the ‘newest trouble’.

Its members are also expected to stand up against drug abuse which, she said, ‘can destroy a family’.

She spoke angrily against the rich, English-educated youths being drawn to militancy.

“What are they hoping to get in this terrible path? The suicide attackers who they believe went to heaven, did they send back words?”

Source: Bd news24