Hanif hits out at Tarique for Bangabandhu remarks

 Awami League joint general secretary Mahbub-ul-Alam Hanif on Thursday dubbed BNP senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman both ‘insane’ and ‘illiterate’ for terming Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman a ‘failed politician’.

“He created Hawa Bhaban…..he created the empire of corruption. Now he often talks peculiarly and like an insane person. He became more inspired as his remarks are published in the media,” he said.

The Awami League leader said this while talking to reporters at his office at Karwan Bazar in the city.

In a programme in London on Wednesday, Tarique Rahman said his father Ziaur Rahman, was the most successful politician in Bangladesh’s history while Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a failure as a politician.

Hanif came down hard on BNP chief Khaleda Zia for her allegation that she is not allowed to hold rallies, pointing to how she held rally at Munshiganj.

Source: UNB Connect


  1. Truth hurts. Hanif should take a lesson in History and tell us the truth. Point by point what is wrong that Tareque uttered? Everything he said was true. When Sheikh Mujib was killed, people celebrated. Is that true or not? Can Hanif say it is untrue. It is Ziaur Rahman who saved the nation. People should not forget history. The Sheikh family brought sorrows to people whenever they came to power. That is undeniable.

  2. I agree with most things that Tarek Zia said except that there was no need for him to dwell on the past. If Tarek wants to be inspiring and relevant to all people and not just to BNP wallas he needs to be more inclusive and talk more about the present and the future and not so much about the past. Any reference to issues and history that irks us emotionally and divides us especially those that have little or no relevance to present day politics must be avoided at all costs. If Tarek wants to be leader of all people he must show some statesmanship and filter taunt from vision in his speeches/statements.

    Having said this, I also agree that we all need to know real history and I believe that those who care do know the history and at the same time there are also those who know but pretend not to know. I believe there is no need for us to waste our time on the latter group of people – these are nothing but a bunch of self-seeking and intellectually challenged scoundrels!.

    Coming more specifically to AL/BNP contagion and this is my personal view – if indeed, we wish to see BNP as our alternative, its strategy should not be to beat AL, because regardless of whether AL accepts it or not,it is already a beaten and a lost case. What BNP needs to do now is conquer hearts and minds of people with messages that are inclusive and forward looking and not give lessons in history – latter is a job of the historians.

    BNP should do what General Jacob of Indian Army did in 1971, he defied General Manekshaw – instead of confronting Pakistan Army in various locations in the then East Pakistan, he decided to ignore them and go straight to and conquer Dhaka. We all know by now the outcome.

    So my view is that BNP should forget about confronting AL, instead they should think of how to be more inclusive and conquer the hearts and minds of freedom loving Bangladeshis that are crying for a visionary leadership..I am convinced that this would work for BNP better.

    Bickerings will produce more counter bickerings with little or no tangible gain to count.

  3. ADK has hit the nail on its head. Hanif and the entire lot of Awami politicians are totally irrelevant. Shouting and whining is not going to change the course of history. However, I do not know to what extent Tarek Rahman is going to be successful in improving the lot of this wretched country. His past do not evoke a lot of confidence in people like me. Maybe, he has changed in the past years and is likely to usher in good times for us. Hopefully!!

  4. I agree with all 3 of you gentlemen( I hope ADK is a male). There is no time for bickering and looking back. We’ve passed 43 years, just going back and forth.
    History says what Sheikh Mujib and Ziaur Rahman has done for the country. But history should be left as history.
    I don’t see neither AL nor BNP are capable of doing anything for the country anymore. They’ve filled up their pockets, now they should just take a step back and get out.
    I believe time has come for a very serious turnaround for this resourceful country. This country is capable of being an Asian Tiger very fast. It could have happened if Bangladesh was not run by illiterate hoodlums and scoundrels.
    These so called leaders are not at all educated nor would they allow the mass population to get some education to move the country forward. They’ve manipulated, and took the biggest advantage of the mass population, because the mass population doesn’t have the capability of deciding what is right and what is wrong. They’re just getting crushed, killed and taken advantage of in every step of their lives. This is not right.
    Technology is advancing every minute of the day. The world has become a “Global Village”, but unfortunately our mass population is still in the “dark ages”, just for these idiots who thinks they own the country.
    Time has come for fresh leadership. Educated leadership, who will do for the mass, not just fill up their pockets.
    Something needs to happen to get to the better days.
    Forget what Mujib or Zia did. That’s irrelevant.

  5. Going back to the first commenter, Khaled Hasan, I could add here that I was one of the hundreds of thousands of people who streamed out to the streets to cheer the end of BKSAL on August 15, 1995. The ghost of the same BKSAL is back and taking a deep root in Bangladesh. This is distressfully worrisome and totally unacceptable to the freedom-loving people of Bangladesh. By writing comments about what Hanif or Tarique has said will not lead us to our desired goal of freeing the country from the clutches of looming BKSALites. Due to a leadership void in the country, these politically depraved, corrupt, wicked and cruel bunch of people have usurped the state power. Since leadership cannot be created overnight, we must think of alternative(s) to unseat the evil force. However, I do not know what that is!

  6. I think one or the reasons for the misery of the Bangladeshi nation is that they hardly have any knowledge of the history and even if they have, they do not learn from history.

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