EU: Rohingya crisis reflects vulnerability of human rights

EU: Rohingya crisis reflects vulnerability of human rights

The European Union also praised Bangladesh for its humanitarian stance on the Rohingya issue and hoped for the upcoming elections to be fair and inclusive.

The European Union (EU) on Saturday issued a statement coinciding with the international Human Rights Day saying the Rohingya crisis refers to the vulnerability of human rights even after 70 years of signing of a Universal Declaration for its protection.

“The recent situation of the Rohingya community in Myanmar has once again reminded the world, that almost 70 years after the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, these rights are still vulnerable,” the statement read.

A political and economic union of 28 European nations, EU said the Rohingya issue suggested that human rights were being violated due to differences in culture, religion and ethnicity.

The EU, however, appreciated Bangladesh’s humanitarian stance on the issue and said it “encourages Bangladesh to continue its efforts to protect the rights of the Rohingyas,” while it also referred to its own campaign “against the plights inflicted on the Rohingya people.”

The EU said it simultaneously expected the next general elections to be held in a credible manner for Bangladesh’s further prosperity.

“We strongly believe that the respect and promotion of human rights and democracy, including free, fair and inclusive elections in the period ahead, in accordance with international standards for democratic elections, will contribute to creating a more prosperous Bangladesh,” it said.

The grouping of the European nations urged Bangladesh to promote and protect the human rights of all, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation, disability or socio-economic background.

The statement said the promotion and protection of their rights was “crucial” for stability, economic growth and development of the country.

The statement recalled that its 2001 Cooperation Agreement with Bangladesh reaffirmed the importance the both sides attached to the principles of human rights in the UN Conventions.

“Human rights have become an integral part of the EU-Bangladesh relations,” it said in the statement a day ahead of the worldwide celebration of the Human Rights Day.

The United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has been accepted virtually by all countries while they incorporated it into their laws and legal obligations.

Source: Dhaka Tribune.


  1. Rohingya repression in Myanmar has once again reminded the world, that almost 70 years after the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, these rights are still vulnerable,” EU suggested, human rights were being violated in Ruhigya issue due to differences in culture, religion and ethnicity. Eu also expected Bangladesh to respect and promote human rights and democracy, including free, fair and inclusive elections in the period ahead. On December 10, 1948, UNGA adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has been accepted virtually by all countries while they incorporated it into their laws and legal obligations.

    Myanmar, has violated the UN charter on human right and they must immediately rehabilitate Ruhingyas in their homeland, give them citizenship, and Implement Anan Commission Report under UN supervision.00

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