Ensure proper distribution of relief goods among the poor

Ensure proper distribution of relief goods among the poor

A big number of people in the country have been out of work for the last two weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak. As a result, they have not been able to manage square meals for their families. In Sunday’s Prothom Alo newspaper, we have seen the poor staging demonstrations in at least four districts demanding reliefs. The general holiday has already been extended and this may see a further extension, which would mean these people will be hit really hard.

The government has announced a stimulus package for the industrial and agricultural sectors. However, we have not got any directions for the lower income groups. They have started selling rice at Tk 10 per kilogram and relief distribution campaigns have been undertaken by government and non-government organisations, but those are not enough. The number of people suffering for lack of food is way too many.

Rafiqul Islam, chairman of Sharifpur union in Jamalpur district, says around 15,000 people in his area has lost work. He has only received relief for 310 people, which tells us the gravity of the problem. Everywhere the scenario is the same, but the authorities claim they are sending enough reliefs.

More relief distribution drives are required at the moment. Ensuring proper distribution is also important. If that cannot be ensured, more people would remain hungry and soon a social disaster will happen, which will be a great threat to the country’s law and order situation.

It is very regrettable that every day we hear stories of government-backed people looting relief goods, especially rice. As per a report published in Prothom Alo on Sunday, at least seven people, including four leaders of Awami League and Krishak League, have been arrested and 95,000 kilograms of rice have been seized. We can imagine how some people are using their political influence all over the country, even in this time of disaster. This has to stop. The culprits have to be handed exemplary punishment so that no one dares to do this again.

Ensuring that all the poor people get food in this time of coronavirus is a challenge no doubt. But failure to carry out proper distribution is worsening the situation. The district and upazila administrations should try to ensure proper distribution of the relief goods, maintaining social distancing. If needed they can seek the help of the armed forces.