Chargesheet against Khaleda aimed at destroying democracy: BNP

 BNP on Thursday alleged that the government as part of its move to destroy the country’s democracy pressed chargesheet making its chairperson Khaleda Zia the prime accused in Jatrabari arson attack case.

“We’ve been on movement for the last three years for restoring people’s voting right and holding inclusive polls. BNP doesn’t believe in the politics of sabotage, petrol bomb attack and bus torching,” said BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon.

Addressing a press briefing, he further said, “The government in a planned way is trying to shift the blame of subversive activities on the opposition. As part of it, the chargesheet was placed making a three-time prime minister as the prime accused.”

On Wednesday, the Detective Branch (DB) of police submitted charges against BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and 37 others in a murder case filed over the Jatrabari arson attack on a bus during the BNP-led 20-party’s blockade on January 23.

Mentioning that Khaleda had demanded an impartial investigation led by the United Nations to identify the real offenders involved in subversive activities, Ripon said the government is trying to annihilate the opposition instead of carrying out any credible probe.

“We want to call upon the government to shun this destructive path. You won’t be able to strengthen democracy by suppressing different opinions,” he added.

About suspension of Rajshahi City Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul, the BNP leader said the government is gradually removing all the BNP-backed elected representatives by implicating them in ‘false case’ to install the ruling party men in those posts.’

“We think the government is conspiring to destroy the local government system by removing the opposition-backed elected repetitive,” he alleged.

Source: UNB