Boycott ‘Prothom Alo’: Joy

Source: Bd news24


  1. While I do not like to add to the credentials of Joy by making comments on his posting, however, I must say that his family dynasty does not support an independent Bangladesh. I am sure, his comments will help increase circulation of Prothom Alo. Keep up Prothom Alo, keep up the good work.

    • So now we have to take a lesson or two about “democracy” and “patriotism” from Mr. Joy.

      Certainly looking from Banglades’s perspective the 1971 war was a war of indepedence for us. But from the Indian perspective 1971 war of the sub-continent was and has been as per their own history book, a India/Pakistan war and therefore, I see no fault with Prothom Alo that in describing Modi’s crdentials, it took perspective of India and not that of Bangladesh.

      Let us see how many people respond to Mr. Joy and abandon Prothom Alo.

  2. This message for Joy: Prothom Alo and we believe in Bangladesh but we don’t believe in you or your mother. So go away…don’t take advantage of your grand father’s surname…first prove yourself by achieving something.

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