Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday said the BNP would come to power again for the sake of the country’s people. She urged the activists of the party’s student front Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal to get ready for movement to take the party to power. ‘You will have to indulge in movement in time to take BNP to power for the sake of the people, to save them from tyranny,’ she told activists of Chhatra Dal while speaking at the celebration of the organisation’s 38 th founding anniversary at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh in Dhaka. She accused the ‘autocratic government’ of destroying the country and the young generation to hang on to power forever. ‘They are enacting laws one after another aiming to cling to power forever. They are doing it to establish a dynasty,’ she said. Khaleda said it was revealed that police had set fire to houses of Santals in Gaibandha. It clearly proves that it was police who conducted arson attacks and burnt people alive during the BNP’s movement and put the blame on BNP activists, she added. She said on the very first day of the new year, people found killings on the headlines. ‘This killing spree has to be stopped,’ she said.
Source : New Age