BNP picks new faces for by-polls to 3 JS seats
Feb 17, 2020
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BNP on Monday night picked new faces for the by-elections to three parliamentary seats, including Dhaka-10, billed for 21 March, reports UNB.
The party nominated its leaders Sheikh Rabiul Islam for the Dhaka-10 seat while Kazi Khairuzzaman Shipon for Bagerhat-4 and Syed Mainul Hasan Sadik for Gaibandha-3.BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the names of the candidates after an interview by the party nomination board at its chairperson’s Gulshan office.
Talking to reporters, the three BNP candidates said they are going to take part in the by-polls amid an adverse situation as part of their party’s movement to free Khaleda Zia and ‘restore’ democracy.
The by-elections to Gaibandha-3, Bagerhat-4 and Dhaka-10 constituencies will be held on 21 March as per the schedule announced by the election commission on 6 February.
The deadline for submission of nomination paper is 19 February while the last date for the withdrawal of candidacy is 29 February.
Gaibandha-3 constituency fell vacant following the death of Awami League MP M Eunus Ali Sarkar on December 27 last.
Bagerhat-4 constituency fell vacant following the death of Awami League MP Mozammel Hossain on 10 January.
Besides, Dhaka-10 AL MP Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh resigned on 29 December to contest the Dhaka South City Corporation election.
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