Attacks on minorities not acceptable: Mozena

News - Attacks on minorities not acceptable: Mozena

Voicing deep concern over the attacks on the minorities US Ambassador Dan Mozena on Thursday said attacks on the Bangladeshi minorities are not acceptable and these must stop now.

“I’m deeply sad. I’m deeply sad for these attacks. These attacks on Bangladeshi minority communities are not acceptable. These attacks are against spirit of the nation,” he said.

The US envoy made the remark at an opinion exchange meeting with the leaders of the Hindu community at Dhakeshwari temple in the city.

He said these attacks on the minorities are against the nature of Bangladesh and against that Bangladesh which he knows as moderate, tolerant and open one to minorities.

“I don’t know who is perpetrating these attacks. They must stop.” Mozena said.

He also called upon the government to use all of its capabilities to bring to justice those who perpetrated these attacks.

Mozena also urged the government to utilize all of its all capabilities to protect the minorities of Bangladesh.

Describing the attacks on the minorities he said he reads in newspapers and watches on television about the attacks but the presentations on the attacks helped him understand the totality of the violence.

Hindu community leaders Basu Dev Dhor, Rana das Gupta, Badal Devnath, Subrata Chowdhury, Prof Durga das Bhattacharje, Dipak Kumar Das and Nirmol Chatterjee, among others, spoke it.

Source: UNB Connect


  1. Like Mr. Mozena we are all very sad at the most unfortunate and undesirable attack on the minority. A real Muslim can never do it. Perpetrating oppression and torture, killing innocent people irrespective of creed or caste, arson, loot etc are all strictly forbidden in Islam. Those who have done or are doing all these cannot claim to be Muslims. I as a Muslim feel great shame at such despicable crimes. Those who are doing this, if they are Muslims (?) at all, must think twice before indulging in such ‘haraam’ activities. If they love their religion, they must think that such acts are altogether irreligious and sinful acts. No reason or argument can endorse it.

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