Abu Hena
It was Saturday, 18 September, 1982, when massacre of Palestinians took place in two refugee camps, Sabra and Shatila, in Beirut. Earlier, Palestinian fighters had agreed to be evacuated from Beirut, after a siege, on the understanding that Palestinian women and children would be safe. But breaking the understanding, Christian Phalangists, sent by the Israelis, massacred hundreds of women and children as well as innocent civilians in the camps. While the slaughter was going on, the United States envoy sent Israel’s General Ariel Sharon a message: “You must stop this horrible massacre …You have absolute control of the area and are, therefore, responsible ..”
On 29 March, 2002 again the same Sharon embarked on an operation with some 100 APCS , 60 tanks, bulldozers and 2500 armed men attacking Arafat’s Ramallah office, cutting off all communication channels, water and electricity connections and food supply. Driven by the lust for Palestinian blood, Sharon’s tanks and armoured vehicles, supported by air to ground missiles, carried out onslaught on the refugee camps in the city of Nablus. His gunmen besieged Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity, one of the holiest sites of Christendom . In Jenin, Sharon’s atrocities surpassed the fury, brutality and cruelty of all including the Huns, the Vandals and the Nazis. For days the Israeli hordes carried out the massacre. They did not allow the International Red Cross, and media to enter the area and murdered innocents in cold blood. The magnitude and extent of slaughter and destruction was yet to be ascertained and on the mere sight of the savagery the UN envoy described the scene as “horrifying beyond belief.”
Genesis of ‘war crimes’
In 2008 – 09, Israel unleashed a fierce terror campaign against the Gaza Strip when 1400 innocent Palestinians and the Goldstone Commission accused the Zionist leaders of “war crimes.” But none could conduct the criminals to the dock to bring them to justice. In 2012 the attack was launched with the target killing of the Hamas military chief hitting more than 1500 civilian targets, killing 155 civilians and wounding 1200. The Turkish prime minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing in Gaza” warning “Israel is committing ethnic cleansing by ignoring peace in this region and violating international law. Sooner or later , Israel will have to answer for the innocent blood it has shed so far.”
What we have today in the Palestinian land are the Zionists whose leader Theodor Herzi met Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II in 1901 seeking his favour for a piece of land in Palestine to form a Jewish state. It was in 1903 when the anti – Jewish programs took place in Russia that the Fifth Zionist Congress founded the Jewish National Fund to raise money to purchase land in Palestine. The same year the Russian Jews escaping anti – Jewish programs arrived in Palestine .
Today the same Zionists who were begging favour are ravaging everything on their way and savagely demolishing all civilian dwelling places in Gaza with wild, primitive fury thanks to the billions of dollars and most sophisticated weaponry supplied by the United States every year. The horrors being committed in front of the TV camera and social media by the hordes led by Benjamin Netanyahu are sending shock waves all around. He resembles Himmler’s cruelty, who had tortured the Jews in Germany.
Nobody is going to stop him so long he has powerful friends in the US Congress as Hitler had his friends in London and it was Chamberlain’s business to ‘appease’ the tyrant.
Kerry’s caricature
“The humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza is heartbreaking,” said John Kerry the US Secretary of State while announcing $47 million humanitarian aid for the victims of Israeli terror in Gaza. “US is comfortable with the Israeli action,” he said earlier, after he had sarcastically remarked, “It’s a hell of a pin-pointing operation,” referring to the Israeli murderous design which gave the US assurances that while ‘demilitarizing’ Hamas, no harm would be done to the civilians in Gaza and there would be no loss of life on the Israeli side.
When asked in Cairo whether he was still comfortable with the Israeli action, Secretary Kerry said, “No country is comfortable…No human being is comfortable with children being killed…”. Netanyahu, on the other hand thinks the carnage in Gaza was “very measured.”
“Very measured” indeed. On the 13th day of the Israeli misadventure alone, their “criminal miscalculation” led to the displacement of 100,000 civilians, more than 1300 homes destroyed, number of Palestinian killed over 500 and wounded 3000, hospitals overflowed and UN schools which shelters the displaced were full. On the very day the military wing of Hamas drew Israel’s Elite Armoured Infantry Brigade, the best trained and equipped military unit in the world, into an ambush killing 13 and wounding 101 who were undergoing amputations in the hospitals. Images of tens of thousands of Palestinians running for shelter, carrying children and disabled and getting shelled on the way, while others getting buried under the collapsing houses, under indiscriminating air strikes and artillery shells by the savage hordes of Netanyahu, were heart rendering.
With 1.8 million people inside, eighty percent of whom live in UN refugee camps, the Gaza Strip is a veritable prison, a hell on earth. The death toll is now nearing 700 with 3700 Palestinian wounded. Casualty on the Israeli side is 32 which include 30 best trained soldiers of the Elite Brigade and 2 civilians. Two of the soldiers are Israeli Americans with dual nationality. For over two weeks the world has been watching this appalling tragedy.
Gaza like Nazi camps
“We kept screaming and crying people were dying and homes destroyed. At our home we left everything, my toys, everything. We want to go back home,” a child was telling the media man. When his attention was drawn to the horrendous, dreadful sight in Gaza the maniac prime minister said, “We asked the population, leave …”. He asked hundreds of thousands of men, women and children to leave their hearth and home so that he could indulge in his whims. What a shame.
The Palestinians are fighting a grim battle against the Zionist occupation army. That is the way all freedom loving people, colonies and territories became independent from tyrants, colonialists and invaders. Israel is the last vestige of the colonial legacy. The Israeli atrocities in Gaza remind the world how the Nazis herded the Jews into concentration camps. The same racist ideology, the “animal xenophobia” which worked in Hitler, is instinctively working in Netanyahu. Civilization, as Freud pointed out, demands self discipline. No one can be licensed to threaten and kill people with carving knives. President Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points contained the morals of international code of conduct and civilized norms: the liberation of peoples, justice to friends and enemies alike and peace. On 10 February, 1915 he warned Germany that it would be held to “strict accountability.” It’s time President Obama issues the same warning to Israel.
The writer is a former Member of Parliament and author of ‘ Islam the Last Hope’
Source: Weekly Holiday