Poribesh Bachao Andolon (Poba) has formed a civic committee to investigate the fire on MV Abhijan-10 launch in Jhalkati district, which claimed 49 lives, injured around 100, and left several people missing.
The committee composed of 17 members was announced at a press conference held at Poba office in Kolabagan in the capital today.
The committee’s convenor will be Abu Naser Khan, chairman of Poba, and the committee’s member secretary will be Aminur Rasul Babul, member secretary of Nirapad Noupath Bastobayon Andolon.
Ashis Kumar Dey, writer and river route researcher, has been named as the committee’s chief coordinator, with Mir Tarek Ali, a Buet professor of Marine Architecture and Marine Engineering, serving as an expert member.
Poba Chairman Abu Naser Khan said that the committee will complete its investigation report in three weeks and submit it to the relevant authorities and ministries.
“We’ve already started working. We’ll speak with the victims and their families, visit the site, and hear from locals. The committee will gather data and information about the launch, as well as the cause of the fire and the responsibilities of those in charge of the technical issues,” he said.
He went on to say that the regulatory bodies’ structural weaknesses and political connections make the launch owners bolder, allowing them to avoid punitive measures, and that in the last 50 years, 25,000 to 30,000 passengers died in river route accidents, the majority of which were caused by fire.