The BNP-led 20-party alliance has threatened to go for all-out movement including hartal alongside the countrywide blockade from Sunday if the government does not meet its demand.
The alliance will also hold demonstrations in all upazila, municipality, district and city headquarters on Saturday demanding a fresh election under a nonparty administration.
BNP Joint Secretary General Salah Uddin Ahmed made the threat in a press statement this afternoon.
He also criticised Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her Wednesday’s remarks in parliament that the BNP would be banned, if necessary.
“Awami League is hatching evil efforts to brand BNP a terrorist and militant political party. It is also trying to garner international support to make the mission a success,” he alleged.
Awami League is clinging to power through illegal, unconstitutional and undemocratic manners and snatched away people’s constitutional and human rights, he said in the statement.
Referring to several instances of attack on BNP leaders and their properties, Salah Uddin said the ruling party activists are carrying out petrol bomb attacks and the government is shifting the blame on BNP men deliberately.
“We condemn the government for such heinous acts and urge the national and international media to oversee the issue,” he added.
The government has been carrying out repression and oppression on the BNP men. Ground from the feet of the government has gone away. Its fall is inevitable, he added.
“You still have adequate time. Please step down, accepting the demand for election under a nonparty administration. Otherwise, none will remain to protect you (govt) from people’s wraths,” he warned.
Source: The Daily Star