‘Daughter MP candidate in that Kilburn’


Sheikh Rehana has reminisced about her struggles in exile in London’s Kilburn which her daughter hopes to represent in British Parliament in two years’ time.

She made a rare media appearance in a news conference called by her daughter Tulip Siddiq at a London restaurant.

Tulip, 30, won Labour Party’s nomination last Sunday to run for Hampstead and Kilburn parliamentary seat in 2015.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s younger sister said she desperately looked for a job in the streets of Kilburn after her father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur was assassinated in 1975.

Rehana also talked about her marriage in Kilburn in 1977.

The press conference catered for the media serving Bangladeshi community in the UK.

Kilburn has a sizeable Bangladeshi population.

Tulip said had she pursued politics in Bangladesh, people would credit it to her lineage. So she chose a foreign country to persue her political career.

Rehana said Tulip was here today because of her own abilities and it did not matter who she was related to.

She sought votes from expatriate Bengalis for her daughter.

Source: Bd news24