Dhaka’s traffic was disrupted on Saturday after movement of vehicles was stopped on several important roads during the reception organised by Awami League for Prime Minister and party chief Sheikh Hasina.
The prime minister returned to the country after an 11-day US visit. Her flight landed at the Shahjalal International Airport after 1pm.
The Awami League organised a reception for her as she has received the UN environment prize and the ITU award.
Hundreds of leaders and activists gathered on both sides of the street from airport to her official residence Ganabhaban to greet her.

Commuters start walking on the Airport Road after police blocked streets for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s arrival from New York. Awami League leaders and activists gathered on both sides of the road to give her a reception causing huge tailback. Photo: tanvir ahammed
The processions of Awami League leaders and activists slowed traffic on the streets at Farmgate, Mohakhali, Banani, Khikhet and Kurmitola airport.
The congestions were on the peak when police set up barricades on the two lanes on the Airport Road before the arrival of Hasina around 1pm.
They lifted the barricade on the lane leading from the airport to Uttara when the prime minister’s convoy passed after around 40 minutes.
The barricade on the lane from Uttara to Khilkhet was also lifted after around five minutes. But the traffic tailback already reached Uttara by that time.
The barricade on the street from Bijoy Sarani to airport caused a huge congestion from Farmgate to Shahbagh.
Police lifted all the barricades on the streets around 2pm.
The effect of the congestion, however, lasted till afternoon.
Auto-rickshaw driver Mizanur Rahman was found stranded at the airport around 1pm. “I have been stuck for over half an hour.”

PM’s motorcade on the Mohakhali Flyover. Photo: asif mahmud ove
The street connecting Gulshan-1 intersection and Mohakhali was packed with vehicles as police did not allow any vehicles to enter the road since 1am. The prime minister’s convoy passed the area around 2pm.
Sayeed Hossain, who works for a private organisation, was found at the bus stop at Farmgate. He said he had been waiting for almost an hour for a bus.
Traffic has been rather thin in Dhaka since the Eid-ul-Azha, but residents had to experience congestion on the weekend due to the huge presence of ruling party supporters on the streets.
Law enforcers adopted additional measures to ensure security, said Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) spokesperson Muntasirul Islam.
Additional RAB patrols were deployed in the area, said its spokesperson Mufti Mahmud Khan.
Source: New Age