The National Freedom Fighters Council (Jamuka) has taken the final decision to cancel the ‘Bir Uttam’ title of BNP founder Ziaur Rahman. The decision was taken at a meeting of Jamuka on Sunday.
Jamuka member Shahjahan Khan MP said a committee has been formed to send a proposal to the government for approval to cancel the title.
The crimes identified by Jamuka as a reason for revoking Ziaur Rahman’s title- Notable among these are violation of the Constitution, repeal of the principles of the Constitution, aiding and abetting the self-confessed murderers of Bangabandhu, secret communication with the self-confessed murderers at various times, mentioning Ziaur Rahman’s involvement in various interviews with self-confessed murderers Formation of cabinet with anti-independence people.
Former President and founder of the BNP Ziaur Rahman was one of the sector commanders of the Liberation War. In recognition of his important contribution to the war of liberation, the Awami League government led by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman after independence gave Ziaur Rahman the title of ‘Bir Uttam’.
On 15 August 1975, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, was assassinated along with his family by some misguided members of the army. Ziaur Rahman’s involvement in the conspiracy to assassinate him has always been accused from the top echelons of the Awami League.