The Daily Star launches Positive Bangladesh

On Friday we launch a special feature series titled “Positive Bangladesh”.
We believe Bangladesh has changed a lot and many of us don’t know about it. We also believe that many of us, especially the youths, are thinking out of the box and are trying to change Bangladesh forever. Regrettably again, we don’t know about it.
We plan to tell these stories in the “Positive Bangladesh” series to be published thrice a week, focusing on those individuals, groups and organisations trying to bring about changes.
The inspiring stories of these individuals and groups, both small and big, spearheading this transformation will no doubt encourage us all and reinforce our belief in ourselves and in our country.
We invite our readers to join us in this journey of knowing our change-makers, and urge them to inform us of any activities of innovation that they think deserve to be featured in the “Positive Bangladesh” series.

– Editor 

Source: The Daily Star