Stamford University students hold photography exhibit

Young students of Journalism, of Stamford University, under the banner of “Naynas”, broke new ground by displaying their works at a two-day photography exhibition. The venue of “Chhobite Bangla”, that concluded on June 28, was the Dhaka Art Centre. What were really admirable were the boards on which the black and white pictures were displayed, which were painted by Nancy. They appeared like large swirls of reds, greens and yellow-ochre.

There was “Samman” by Zubair Naim that featured a one and- a- half year old child prostrating before goddess Durga. This was a moving picture indeed.
“From Mirpur to Ashulia” had two boys playing on the banks of Turag River and their footprints were apparent. The photograph was mounted on a red background with black splotches. “Jump” was taken on the Dhanmondi Lake. The water appeared grey with specks of dirt. An individual at play was shown leaping from near one of the iron poles in the water.
The picture titled “Lalon” taken by Srabon had a black, white against a gray backdrop. The Lalon devotee held an ektara, which helped him earn a living.
Mohammed Jannatul Naim had taken a photograph of the Hawai Mithai (candyfloss) seller. He walked on the sand, with grey and green trees form the backdrop.
Shovo had taken a picture of an old Freedom Fighter making a living by catching small fish. The scene was sent in Shariatpur. Shawkat took the photographs at dusk at Meherpur, Chalan Beel. A flying duck had the suggestion of a palm tree on the blue and red foam mounting, done by Nancy. Mir Nasif Akhter had taken the picture of the last day of December, 2013, with light peeping through the clouds.
Kite-flying captured the imagination of Shafi. This was set against the red circle and green backdrop of the flag of Bangladesh.

Sraban Thakur had taken the image of a jungle at dusk. Trees bearing leaves of many colours was visible between the trees, light was seen pouring in, in shafts. In the backdrop were trees with black trunks, which definitely highlighted the main picture. “Shonali Shomoye” taken by Tonmoy had a mother standing with her two children against the gold and yellow bars of clouds in the sky. The backdrop was gold and green.
“Ratri’r Opekha” by Ashiq Abhi had a clear moon on top and black near the horizon. The golden sky was reflected in the water, which was golden red with black streaks.
Shovo’s picture of the mother returning with her brother, the lady being the aunt of one of his neighbours, was yet another moving picture of contemporary society.
“Keu Nei” was shot at Sonargaon. The trees in the background had various colours. The boats kept there for people to hire for rides were of different colours, and appeared attractive.
There was a picture of “Sangu River” in Bandarban. The boat was near the raft and hills by the side. Clouds were skidding in the sky.
The young photographers have certainly put up a good show.
Source: The Daily Star