A file photo shows workers putting salt on rawhide at a tannery in Dhaka. Tanners on Friday cut again the prices of rawhide of sacrificial animals this year for the four consecutive years setting the prices of salted cowhide at Tk 50 a square feet for Dhaka and Tk 40 a square feet for outside Dhaka.
Tanners on Friday cut again the prices of rawhide of sacrificial animals this year for the four consecutive years setting the prices of salted cowhide at Tk 50 a square feet for Dhaka and Tk 40 a square feet for outside Dhaka which is 10 per cent lower than the prices of last year.
At a press conference in the city, Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear Exporters Association, Bangladesh Tanners Association and Bangladesh Hide and Skin Merchants Association leaders announced the lower prices of rawhide citing fall in prices and slow demand in the international market.
According to the announcement of leather sector leaders, the buying price of castrated goat skin has been set at Tk 20 a square feet and that of goat skin at Tk 15 a square feet across the country.
Last year, the leather sector businesses had set the prices of salted cowhide at Tk 50-55 a square feet for Dhaka and Tk 40-45 a square
feet for outside Dhaka which was Tk 20 lower than the rate of 2014.
In 2015, the buying price of castrated goat skin had been set at Tk 20-22 a square feet and that of goat skin at Tk 15-17 a square feet.
This year, tanners did not make any official announcement of the prices of buffalo hide but the sector people said that they would buy the item at Tk 25-30 a square feet.
In 2014, the tanners had set the price of per square feet of cowhide at Tk 70-75 in Dhaka and Tk 60-65 across the country outside Dhaka, goatskin at Tk 30-35 and buffalo skin at Tk 35-40 while the tanners had set per square feet of cowhide for Tk 85-95 in Dhaka and Tk 75-80 outside Dhaka, goatskin for Tk 50-55 and buffalo skin for Tk 40-45 in the year 2013.
In the years 2011 and 2012, tanners did not set the prices of rawhide of the sacrificial animals and the then market price of cowhide was Tk 110-Tk 120 a square feet across the country.
In 2013, in the name of bringing discipline in the rawhide market tanners set the prices of hide lower than the year 2012.
Source: New Age