Tackle the causes of rent seeking

It is up to everyone to end the culture of rent-seeking 

In response to concerns about the eyesore and nuisance caused by hundreds of shops being established illegally around the National Mausoleum at Savar, the upazila nirbahi officer has announced an eviction drive.

Local sources allege that most of the shops pay fixed monthly bribes to officials, including members of the police and mausoleum staff, for the right to run these stalls.

We recognise that there is a balance between preserving the sanctity of the monument and allowing businesses to provide amenities.

The cause for concern here is that so many shops have become well-established in an illegal manner, with the support and apparently at the behest of local officials.

Sources say that key shops are being run by the Bangladesh Hawkers’ League, the ruling party’s hawker wing, and that members of this organisation allocate sites and pay bribes to secure possession.

It is shameful that such practices are seen as not unusual and commonplace across the country.

As a society, it is up to everyone to end the culture of rent-seeking.

There is a case for some civil servants to be paid better so there is less incentive for corrupt activities to take root in the first place. More importantly, the police and political parties must completely disassociate themselves from rent-seeking practices to that citizens can conduct lawful business activities in a lawful manner, without facing any pressure to pay off officials.

Source: Dhaka Tribune