Godagari police station officer-in-charge Hifjul Alam Munshi told New Age that upon receiving information from the police headquarters they had cordoned off the house located in an open field in Machhmara-Benipur around 3:00am Thursday.
He said that they asked the suspected miscreants to come out of the house using hand mike several times.
At around 7:45am, he said, the suspected extremists came out, hurled bombs at police and exploded suicidal bombs.
He said that police also opened fire during the explosions.
Fire-fighter Abdul Matin died at the Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.
Rajshahi Medical College Hospital director Brigadier General Rafiqul Islam confirmed his death, reports our correspondent.
Two policemen – sub-inspector Utpol Kumar and constable Tajul Islam – were injured during the police raid.
They were taken to local hospital for treatment.
A woman surrendered to the police while with two minor children, said M. Khurshid Alam, the deputy inspector general of Rajshahi police.
Source: New Age