Reform commission in favour of holding national, local polls simultaneously

Publish : 06 Jan 2025, 10:15 PMUpdate : 06 Jan 2025, 10:15 PM

The Local Government Reform Commission has expressed support for holding national and local elections simultaneously.

The commission argues that conducting both elections together will significantly reduce costs.

On Monday, during a meeting with journalists at the National Institute of Local Government (NILG) conference room, Commission Chairman Dr Tofail Ahmed advocated for holding both elections on the same day.

When asked about the nature of local elections, the chairman mentioned that the opinions of local people would be considered in the process.

In its efforts to formulate reform proposals, the Local Government Reform Commission is prioritizing the views of local people and stakeholders during discussions held outside Dhaka.

The commission, formed on November 18 by the interim government, is expected to submit its report to the chief advisor within 90 days.

In response to a journalist’s question, Dr Tofail Ahmed revealed that feedback from consultations outside Dhaka strongly emphasizes the importance of holding local government elections.

However, he noted that there has been little discussion on the matter among politicians in Dhaka. Local leaders of parties advocating early elections have proposed both national and local elections, with some suggesting local elections be held first, while others advocate for conducting both on the same day.

He further observed that calls for an immediate national election are less common at the local level.

“The local population feels they are in a void, as they are not receiving services and are unsure whom to approach. Consequently, there is a growing demand for local government elections to be held soon,” said Dr Tofail Ahmed, adding that local political leaders share this sentiment.

Dr Tofail Ahmed also highlighted that the commission is considering various reform proposals.

Among these proposals is the idea that instead of directly electing a chairman or mayor, members would elect one of their own to these positions.

The commission is also exploring the possibility of eliminating party symbols in elections, making membership elections open to all, including government and private sector employees, and introducing a unified law for all types of local government institutions.

Dr Tofail Ahmed noted that they are also examining the feasibility of holding all local government elections on a single day to reduce costs.

According to estimates, local government elections conducted between 2021 and 2024 cost approximately Tk23,000 crore. Holding all elections in a single day could reduce this to around Tk600 crore.

The commission is giving special attention to the local government system in the three hill districts. Dr Tofail Ahmed explained that they are addressing the challenges of conducting district council elections in these areas, where no elections have been held since 1989.

During consultations, various recommendations were made, including non-partisan local elections, higher salaries for representatives, limiting MPs’ control over local institutions, empowering female members, eliminating unopposed victories, introducing a “no” vote option, and conducting elections under a caretaker government.

Following the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government after a student-led uprising in August, an interim government was formed.

Recently, interim government Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus suggested that the national election could be held by the end of this year or in the first half of the next year.

dhaka tribune