People suffer as no buses ply in Rajshahi

No buses were seen plying in Rajshahi or allowed entry to the city today ahead of the political rally of Jatiya Oikyafront, a newly floated opposition alliance.
The lack of public transport, which resulted after transport leaders and workers announced a 48-hour transport strike in Rajshahi and Natore yesterday, caused much suffering to the commuters.
Many commuters had to walk or try other means of transports for reaching their destinations due to unavailability of buses, reports our staff correspondent visiting different areas in the city.
The transport strike began in Natore yesterday.
However, General Secretary of Rajshahi Road Transport Owners’ Group Monjur Rahman told our correspondent that the transport strike has been withdrawn last night.
A transport leader in Rajshahi told this correspondent seeking anonymity that they have been instructed not to rent buses to rally-goers in the region.
The rally-goers were facing difficulty to reach the programme venue at Madrasa Maidan in Rajshahi city this afternoon due to lack of vehicles. Bus owners have also allegedly called off almost all bus bookings made by rally-goers.
The law enforcers were also checking all other kinds of vehicles, especially four-wheelers, at different intersections and entry points in Rajshahi city.