Minister dubs it total mess; Bangladesh not officially communicated
Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Nurul Islam on Saturday said that the Malaysian government may cancel the recruitment system, but it will not hamper the process of sending workers to the country.
According to Malaysian daily The Star, the Malaysian Human Resources Minister M Kulasegaran has said that their government had suspended the system currently in place for the recruitment of migrant workers from Bangladesh.
He said the whole process was “a total mess” that resulted in the migrant workers paying exorbitant amounts of money to several middlemen in both Bangladesh and Malaysia, also adding that the ten companies, which are part of the syndicate involved in the recruitment process, have also been suspended.
In light of this, Nurul Islamsaid that the Malaysian government has not officially informed them about it till now, but according to their workers’ demand, there is no alternative to taking Bangladeshi workers.
He added that there is no chance of the process to be suspended, nor has there been any request to re-evaluate the recruitment agreement.
The minister also added that efforts to discuss about the matter by forming a joint bilateral working technical committee are already underway.
Joint Secretary General at Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies (BAIRA) Shameem Ahmed Chowdhury Noman told UNB that recruitment for workers to be sent to Malaysia will go on as usual.
Noman, who is also the owner of one of the ten agencies that have been suspended, said that the Malaysian government cannot take any one-sided decision and has to consult with the Bangladeshi government before suspending such an initiative.
“The current agreement has been ratified by the Parliaments of both of the countries,” he said, “we can assume that the number of workers sent will be lower now, but it will not be cancelled altogether.”
Noman added that the new government may take new initiatives, but that will be subject to approval by the joint working technical committee.
After sending workers to Malaysia from Bangladesh was suspended for a long time, it was reopened late 2016 through a syndicate of ten designated recruitment agencies, who have so far sent 160,000 workers in a government-to-government (G2G) process.
Source: Dhaka Tribune.