The inward remittance to the country during the first 13 days of the current month (till December 13) showed an encouraging sign totaling US$ 573.06 million.
The remittance inflow last month (November) totaled $ 1051.10 million, according to the latest data provided by the Bangladesh Bank (BB).
The central bank data showed that some $ 14,461.14 million came as remittance in the last fiscal year (2012-13).
The BB data also showed that of the total remitted amount during the 13 days of the current month (December), the highest $ 369.49 million came through the private commercial banks. This was followed by $ 188.73 million through four state-owned commercial banks, $ 7.45 million through two specialised banks and $ 7.39 million through foreign commercial banks operating in Bangladesh.
Analysing the BB data, it was found that the highest amount of $ 143.28 million came through Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd, followed by $ 70.06 million through Agrani Bank; $ 58.71 million through Sonali Bank Ltd; $ 53.34 million through Janata Bank Ltd; $ 32.89 million through National Bank Ltd; $ 21.19 million through BRAC Bank Ltd; and $ 19 million through Pubali Bank Ltd.
Country’s remittance inflow totaled $12,843.43 million in fiscal 2011-12 compared to $11,650.31 million in the previous fiscal (2010-11).
Source: UNB Connect