Hefajat-e-Islam has said it has no intention of creating any hostility with the government.
“Islamophobic groups” were persuading the government to engage in clashes with Alems, the Qawmi madrasa-based organisation said in a statement issued last night.
In the statement, Hefajat Secretary General Nur Hossain Kasemi called upon Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the concerned authorities not to allow any conspiring group todestroythe peace and stability in the country.
He said the evil forces centring the issue of sculptures were trying to create chaos.
The Hefajatsecretary general said that the religious freedom of the citizens has been guaranteed in the constitution of Bangladesh.
No individual, organisation or the government has the legitimacy to interfere in the performance of this duty by the Alems, he added.
Nur Hossain demanded immediate withdrawal of the cases filed against Hefajat Amir JunayedBabunagari, Joint Secretary General MamunulHaque and Senior Nayeb-e-Amir of Islami Andolon Bangladesh Faizul Karim.
At the same time, the Hefajatsecretary general demanded to stop creating obstacles in waaz-mahfil and stop propaganda against the Alem-Ulama.
Nur Hossain said: “On the issue of sculpture, Alem community has called for a return from wrongdoing by explaining the provisions of Islam and has issued a fatwa on Sharia in this regard.”
He also advised to find out a better way in light of Islam for the salvation and peace of the departed soul of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and to make his memory memorable.