Govt acting like a puppet: Fakhrul

Describing the Awami League-led government as a ‘puppet-one’, BNP today alleged that bureaucrats are now ruling the country.
“We all know who did what in the (December-30) election. Now, the state is being run by bureaucrats. They (govt) are now raising the salaries of public servants, army, police, Rab and those are in civil administration, but people’s earnings aren’t increasing” said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “The current government is not an elected one. It has been in power by holding farcical elections one after another only to carry out the orders of its ‘masters’. It’s playing the role of a puppet government.”
Fakhrul also voiced concern as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has now started praising the ‘one-party’ Baksal rule of 1975. “They (AL) established Baksal in 1975 having failed to run the state. There was no noble intention behind Baksal. The main motive behind it was to cement power forever.”
He feared that Sheikh Hasina is trying to “glorify Baksal to hide the ruling party’s misdeeds and corruption”.
“We would like to say (the perspectives of) 1975 and 2019 is not the same and many things have changed by the time. The country’s people will in no way accept if you want to materialise your dream of restoring a one-party rule.”
Accusing the government of keeping their ailing chairperson Khaleda Zia in jail ‘unlawfully’, the BNP leader urged the freedom fighters to get united to ensure her release from jail.