Dhaka Metropolitan Police on Monday made an appeal to the city dwellers to report any suspicious terror activity found on social networking platforms, apparently against the backdrop of Friday’s Gulshan cafe carnage.
In its official facebook page, DMP made the appeal.
The appeal was made in Bangla and it said: Dear well wisher, greetings. Email to [email protected] if you find any suspicious and inciting online activities, and any suspicious post or ID or link on the social media, or any threat relating to cyber terrorism which could be menacing for the state and its people.
DMP also urged people to share their post to spread the message.
The DMP call is made to the citizens when the nation has been mourning the deaths of the July 1 militant attack carried out at Holey Artisan Bakery in the capital. The Spanish restaurant is housed at the highly secured Gulshan diplomatic enclave, where 22 people, including 17 foreigners, were killed.
Six suspected gunmen were also killed by the law enforcers’ action–dubbed ‘Operation Thunderbolt– on the following morning.
Source: New Age