A worker from a shipbreaking yard in Chattogram’s Sitakunda died today after being hit by a flying metal object.
The deceased was identified as Md Taslim (30) of the Bhatiyari union in the upazila.
Abdullah Al Sakib Mubarrat, deputy inspector general (Chattogram directorate) of Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment, told The Daily Star that a flying piece of a metal object hit Taslim while working at the Khawaja Ship Breaking Yard in Madam Bibir Hat area around 1 pm.
Taslim was critically injured and was taken to Chattogram Medical College Hospital where he died later, the DIG said.
The source of the flying metal object is yet to be known.
A total of 12 workers died in accidents at different shipbreaking yards in Chattogram this year, he added.