Celebrating golden jubilee depriving people just a farce: Kamal

08 February 2020
Jatiya Oikyafront convener Dr Kamal Hossain on Saturday said the celebration of the golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s independence by the current government depriving people of their ownership of the country will be nothing but a farce, UNB reports.
Speaking at a protest rally, he also said their alliance will launch a united movement to drive out those grabbed power depriving people of their rights.
“It’s a shame that people are still deprived of their power even when the country’s 50 years of independence are going to be completed. We can’t accept it that the government has usurped power by force depriving people of their rights,” the Oikyafront chief said.
Kamal, also president of Gonoforum, said: ”The government is now campaigning that they’ll celebrate this year and that year in that manner . It must be celebrated unitedly. The celebration of 50 years of independence by depriving people of their ownership of the country will just be a farce.”
Jatiya Oikyafront arranged the programme at Dhaka Reports Unity (DRU) protesting the imprisonment of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on her two years of her jailing.
Kamal said they want to softly call upon the government to quit. “There’s no point of calling upon this government to resign, we must kick them out.”
The Gonoforum president said people will no longer accept the current government’s efforts to give autocracy an institutional shape. “They won’t accept the way corruption, misrule and repression are going on.”
Dr Kamal demanded the government immediately release BNP chief Khaleda Zia from jail. “It’s regrettable that we still need to seek the release of a state prisoner even after 48 years of independence.”
He urged people to get united and take to the streets to restore their ownership of the country.
“I think we shouldn’t only hold such meetings. We must take to the streets to launch a united movement inspiring people to play their due role and drive out those captured power on the eve of 50 years of independence,” Kamal added.