BD’s rank in global IP regime almost unchanged
ASJADUL KIBRIA | Financial Express November 10, 2019

Asia accounted for more than two-thirds of all patent, trademark and industrial design applications in 2018.
But the rank of Bangladesh remained unchanged in the global industrial intellectual property (IP) domain in the last year, according to the latest report of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
WIPO’s annual World Intellectual Property Indicators (WIPI) report, released in the last month, showed that Bangladesh ranked 108th among 132 countries in 2018. The ranking was same in 2017.
“China’s IP office received the highest number of patent applications in 2018, a record 1.54 million applications that amounts to 46.40 per cent of the global total,” said the report.
China was followed by the IP offices of the United States (597,141), Japan (313,567), the Republic of Korea (209,992) and the European Patent Office (EPO; 174,397), it added.
Together, these five offices accounted for 85.3o per cent of the world total.
The patent office of Bangladesh received 368 patent applications in 2018.
The country’s rank in trademarks application filing stood 55th among 146 countries in 2018. The ranking was same in 2017.
The country’s patent office received some 12,080 new applications for trademarks.
China led the league of global filing of trademarks in the last year followed by the US and Japan.
In terms of the new applications of industrial design, Bangladesh ranked 34th among 116 countries, an improvement of two notches from the previous year. A total of 2014 new applications for design were submitted to the country’s IP office in 2018.
China ranked first as its IP office received some 708,799 designs in 2018, which was 54.0 per cent of the world total.
“It was followed by the EUIPO (108,174) and the IP offices of the Republic of Korea (68,054), the U.S. (47,137) and Germany (44,460),” the WIPI report said.