Bangladesh now 14th most corrupt country in TI global index
Staff Correspondent | New Age Jan 23, 2020

The Bangladesh chapter of Transparency International hosts a press conference on worldwide corruption perception index at its office in Dhaka on January 23, 2020. — Abdullah Apu
Bangladesh has ranked 14th among the most corrupt countries in 2019, according to the worldwide corruption perception index released by the Berlin-based Transparency International.
In the year, Bangladesh moved one notch up the global corruption index from 13th in 2018, according to the below order of the worldwide corruption perception index.
The Bangladesh chapter of Transparency International released the data at a news conference at its office in Dhaka on Thursday.
Though the rank was changed from the previous year, the score of Bangladesh was still 26 in 100. Bangladesh ranked 13th position with a score of 26 in 2018.
The index provides corruption perceptions of 180 countries.
According to the index, Bangladesh continued to be ranked the second most corrupt country among eight South Asian nations after Afghanistan.