The private Bangabandhu International University in Nilphamari, Syedpur, had no government approval. The University Grants Commission (UGC) on Wednesday issued a notice in this regard, cautioning those seeking jobs there.
Professor Biswajit Chandra, member in charge of UGC’s university branch, said the commission was unaware of any educational institution under the name of Bangabandhu International University. No project proposal had even been sent to UGC in this regard.
UGC has sought cooperation from the education ministry and others concerned to bring a halt to the unlawful activities of this non-existent institution.
News of the university’s founding stone being laid, the advertisement for staff and other matters came to the attention of UGC. The commission cautioned students, teachers, parents and job-seekers against such universities. Interested persons could visit the UGC website for the list of approved universities and approved programmes.
Also, under the Private University Act 2010, it is the president who appoints the vice chancellors, pro-vice chancellors and treasurers of private universities on four-year terms. So if any university authority appoints anyone to these posts, this will be a violation of the law.