Relatives break down in tears after bodies of their dear ones are recovered from Shitalakhya river.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has summoned State Minister for Home and ordered him to arrest those involved in the abduction and murder of six people in Narayanganj.
She summoned Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal at her official Ganabhaban residence on Wednesday night hours after six bodies were found floating in the Shitalakhya River in Narayanganj between the afternoon and evening of Wednesday.
Narayanganj City Councillor Nazrul Islam and senior lawyer Chandan Kumar Sarkar were among the six bodies.
After emerging from the meeting, Kamal told reporters, “The prime minister is very much strict in this matter. Those involved in the abduction and killings will be hunted down.”
He, however, said the abduction and killings of seven people in one go would not impact the government’s popularity.
Nazrul, Councillor of Narayanganj City Corporation and Awami League supporter, was abducted from the city’s Adalatparha along with four of his aides by miscreants posing as the members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) on Sunday.
Nazrul was returning home after attending a court case, police said quoting his family.
Police found their car abandoned at Gazipur’s Rajendrapur around 9pm.
Members of Chandan’s family believe the lawyer and his driver Ibrahim were also abducted because they had witnessed Nazrul’s abduction.
Police retrieved six floating bodies from the Shitalakhya River at Bandar Upazila in efforts stretching from afternoon to 6pm on Wednesday.
The whereabouts of Nazrul’s car driver ‘Jahangir’ is not yet known.
Nazrul’s wife, Selina Islam Beauty, alleged that the ruling Awami League’s Siddhirganj thana unit Vice President Nur Hossain and General Secretary Hazi Mohammad Yasin had planned the crime.
Hossain is also the councillor of the Ward No. 4 of Narayanganj City Corporation.
Nazrul’s family filed a case against Hossain, Yasin and a few others on Monday.
Junior home minister Kamal told bdnews24.com: “Those who have been named in the case will be arrested.”
Nur Hossain, however, has refuted the allegations made by Nazrul’s wife.
“I’m not involved in the incident,” he had told bdnews24.com.
Citing the police investigation into the incident, Kamal said, “It wasn’t carried out for political reasons. As far as I have gathered, it (killings) was committed because of personal and land-related disputes.”
Source: Bd news24
Every damn decision in the country, from release of club ground from illegal occupiers to murder proble seems to depend on one person – the dear leader Hasina!
After all as we see it, the dear leader seems to be at the root of everything and thus is also doing everything – the job of an OC of a thana, of a magistrate, a judge etc. As the behind-the-scene initiator and/or abettor of most crimes in the country, no one else but the dear leader seems to be the person who is best qualified to solve these problems as well.
In these circumstances one wonders whether Bangladesh needs all these organizations like the Ministry of Home Affairs and myriad other law enforcement agencies, the judiciary etc. that basically do nothing but exist as foot-slodiers of the dear leader.
We are sorry to say, Indian poodle Hasina is not a SHEIKH but a SHEIKHA. She has not the education to comprehend that Arabic male title SHEIKH is not a person’s name but only a title and SHEIKH is the feminine gender of SHEIKH. This kind of ignorant persons now running the country on India’s behalf.
She is not in control of the country. RAW agents inside Bangladesh might kill her to blame the oppositions and intensify the on going civil war. Then send its army and occupy the country saying to ” TO SAVE THE HINDU MINORITIES, DEMOCRACY & MAINTAIN PEACE IN THE VOLATILE REGION”.!
I hate to even talk about this rogue person. It’s time to get the hell out of this Mirzafar!
Every abduction and killing that is taking place in the country has a connection with the rulers. This just can’t take place without the blessings of the power that be. All armed forces personnel must be withdrawn from the RAB. Drastic measures – whatever required – must be taken to right the situation!
সূর্য্য ডুবে আহারে
মুহাম্মদ আবুল হায়াত জালালাবাদী
টুঙিপাড়ার পুকুরে
সূর্য্য ডুবে আহারে
চাঁদ ওঠেছে বাংলাদেশের আকাশে,
গালাগালি ,বকাবকি, ঝকাঝকি করছ বই
সত্য তারে ডাকতে তবু পারছ কৈ ?
লুকিয়ে থাকার নাই তো ঠাঁই দেশে ।
মুজিব, মুক্তি, রক্ষি গেছে যেই পথে
কন্যা বলে , ‘আমি ও যাব সেই রথে,
সাজেদারে সাথে লয়ে সবশেষে’ ।
মৌলবাদী টুপি পরে নানক নাচে উল্লাসে ।
ইসলামেরি প্লাবনে ,
মেঘনা নদের মাঝখানে
মীরজাফরের নৌকাডুবি দালাল কাঁদে সন্ত্রাসে।
রামরা্জ্যের বাসনা
এদেশে আর পুরল না ,
যেদিন গেছে সেদিন কি আর আসে?
বিদায় লগন ঘনিয়ে এসেছে
মুহাম্মদ আবুল হায়াত জালালাবাদী
বিদায় লগন ঘনিয়ে এসেছে বাজে ভৈরবী শুনরে অই
মীরজাফরের প্রমোদ তরণী মেঘনার জলে করে থই থই।
কাল আবছায়া ঈষাণ গগন,
ভীত, কম্পিত যত দুর্জন
ভজন পূজন করি পরিহার শংকা তরাসে প্রলয় গুনো।
যাদের অস্হি করয়িা চূর্ন্,
গুপ্ত বাসনা করিছ পূর্ন্
রুদ্র মূরতি ক্ষুব্ধ তাহারা, গর্জে তোরণে আওয়াজ শুনো।
অনাহারে মারি নিঃস্ব মানূষে দলন করিছ তোমরা পায়,
‘বখশিশ’ নাহি চাহিছে তাহারা, প্রতিশোধ আজ লভিতে চায়।
রক্ষীবাহিনী করিল রক্ষা,
ত্রাহি ত্রাহি ডাকি পায়নি অক্কা?
তোষামোদকারী জমাইছে পাড়ি, দেখোনা ওপারে চাহিয়া অই,
বালাখানা আজ শুন্য কেনরে, মন্ত্রী সণ্ত্রী রহিল কই?
“জয় বাংলার” দিয়ে হুংকার
ধ্বংস করিছ যত সংসার
তাহাদেরি ঋণ দিতে পরিশোধ বেরিয়ে আসিতে হইববে বই,
আজিকে মুখোস খুলিয়া পড়িছে, দিল্লী রাখিতে পারিল কই?
প্রতি্দ্বন্দি্ তবু ছিল বাংগালী
তোমাদের হাতে প্রান দিল বলি,
গন দরবারে তাহাদেরি রূহ ফরয়িাদ করে হাঁকিছে অই,
“ঘাতককের শির ধূলায় লুটাবে, মু্ক্ত ধরণী হাসিবে বই” ।।
Pathetic situation.
Why law enforcers, prosecutors will not look for the killers/abductors without Her. Majesties Nod? In a country that is supposedly run strictly per constitution, the PM has to micromanage each incident and yet be not responsible for it.
Had Adolf Hitler so much command on his fellows as our dear ‘jononetri’ PM has? I’m sure, no. Just look, she says ‘do it’ and it’s done. Nothing happens until her majesty says something. What a unique democracy (?) we are in! Incomparable!!