Describing BNP founder Ziaur Rahman as a power-monger villain, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu on Friday claimed that he had killed real hero Col Abu Taher, who freed from sepoy siege, under false accusations.
He also termed the November 7, 1975 incident as the sepoy-people upsurge for bringing back politics to people from cantonment, saying that was the first attempt of people and armed forces allies against the heinous killing of Bangabandhu and his family members.
The JSD President was speaking at a discussion titled ‘Unity against BNP-Jamaat to eradicate militancy and crimes against humanity’ in the Col Taher hall of his party office at Bangabandhu Avenue.
Inu said BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has followed the treacherous footprints of Zia-Khaled Mosharraf-Moshtaque and paved the way for rise of communal militancy and terrorism by patting the Rajakars and killers of the Father of the Nation.
“Unity of all sectors under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to eradicate the criminal forces of BNP-Jamaat is the only means to pay tributes to the real patriots like Col Taher and his allies,” he said.
JSD General Secretary Sharif Nurul Ambia, President of Muktijoddha Sangram Parishad Habibur Rahman Showkat and Convener of Jatiya Nari Jote Afroza Haq Rina, among others, spoke on the occasion.
Source: UNB