Awami League will resist BNP-Jamaat: Tofail

Awami League leaders and activists will resist all the attempts of BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami to foil the 10th national elections on Sunday, says ruling party leader Tofail Ahmed.


He said, “BNP and Jamaat will not be able to thwart the elections. Awami League leaders and activists will be on guard at the areas where voting will take place. There is no force that can thwart the polls.”

The Advisory Council member’s remarks came on Saturday afternoon at a press briefing at the ruling party President Sheikh Hasina’s Dhanmondi political office.

Tofail said, “With grave concern, we have seen that Begum Khaleda Zia has given a conspirative statement yesterday (Friday) right before the elections like she did in past, which is not consistent with the countrymen’s hope and desires.”

“In her statement, she has asked Jamaat to create anarchy on the streets.”

The senior Awami League leader also criticised BNP Senior Vice-Chairman Tarique Rahman’s video message posted on different social media on Saturday.

In the video message posted from London, Tarique Rahman had called for a boycott of the parliamentary polls. “The time has come for all of us to prevent and boycott the Jan 5 polls. Not for personal interest but for the sake of the country’s existence,” he said.

Tofail said, “Tarique Rahman is plotting to foil the elections by provoking the anti-liberation forces. (They will) not able to do that. The elections will take place.”

Industries and Housing and Public Works minister continued, “A fugitive in law’s eyes, Tarique Rahman is plotting against the country and is active to destroy democracy.”

The BNP-Jamaat combine wanted to destabilise Bangladesh, Tofail added.

Regarding BNP’s allegation that their party Chairperson was confined at her home, he said, “Khaleda Zia is not held captive, she is free. How could she issue a statement if she is confined?”

“She is carrying out political activities by issuing statements. But she has again chosen the path of falsehood by claiming she is under siege and confinement.”

“This is not new for her to stage such drama,” Tofail said.

He also condemned burning of educational institutions which were supposed to be used as polling centres across the country during Sunday’s elections.

Tofail Ahmed at the press conference was accompanied by Awami League Presidium member Obaidul Quader, Joint General Secretary Dipu Moni, Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Organising Secretary Bahauddin Nasim.

Source: bdnews24