Overall pass rate drops

The overall pass rate in Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations has declined by 4.37 percentage points this year with 74.30 percent passing the exams held under 10 education boards.
The pass rate was 78.67 percent last year.
The number of GPA (Grade Point Average) 5 scorers decreased by 2,965 this year compared to that of the previous year.
Under the 10 education boards, 58,197 students obtained GPA-5. The total of last year’s GPA-5 achievers was 61,162.
The pass rate is 79.13 percent in Sylhet Board, 77.66 percent in Rajshahi, 74.04 percent in Dhaka, 71.94 percent in Dinajpur, 71.69 percent in Barisal, 66.49 percent in Jessore, 61.29 percent in Comilla and 61.22 percent in Chittagong Board.
A total of 85.03 percent students have passed in Technical board while 91.46 in madrasa board.
The result was released after Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid handed over a copy of the results to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Saturday morning.
“The education minister will formally announce the results through a press briefing at his ministry at 1:00pm,” Shubodh Chandra Dhali, senior public relations officer of the ministry, told The Daily Star earlier.
Examinees will get results from their respective centres and websites of their boards.
They can also get the results by sending SMS from any mobile operators.
Board officials earlier said they had to face difficulties in maintaining government-fixed timeframe of 60 days for publishing the results due to hartals (shutdowns) during and after the exams.
The shutdowns forced the authorities to reschedule exams of 30 subjects.
The exam began on April 1 with 10,12,581 students registered to take it.
The written exams were scheduled to end on May 28, but some examinations were held in June due to hartals.