Stop Muslim Immigration to the U.S.


  • Target: Political leaders of the United States
  • Sponsored by: Citizen Warrior
The United States must change its immigration policies to exclude Muslims.

Islam is both a religion and a political ideology, and its politics aresupremacist. That is, the doctrines of mainstream Islam command Muslims to work toward the dominance of their religion over all other religions, and the subjugation of all people to the Islamic political system (Shari’a).

In this sense, Islam seeks to overthrow the established Constitution of the United States, and to replace it with Shari’a. That is sedition.

This does not refer to some “extreme” or “radical” form of Islam. Shari’a is a fundamental part of mainstream Islam. (Read more about it: Islam 101.) It is the duty of every Muslim to strive to establish Shari’a wherever possible. This means an American who practices the Islamic faith fully must necessarily commit acts ofsedition.

Furthermore, one of the basic tenets of the faith is that loyalty to Islam takes precedence over loyalty to any government or country.

When Muslims move into any country, a certain percentage of them start agitating for special considerations. They start to organize and influence the nation politically in a way that is good for Islam and bad for freedom and equality. They have already started in America. When the percentage of the Muslims in a nation’s population becomes high enough, they gain so much political power that freedoms and rights begin to disappear.

There may be plenty of Muslims who reject these basic principles of Islamic doctrine, but we have no way to determine who does and who does not. We could ask them on their immigration application, but another Islamic principle allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it helps the spread or dominance of Islam, so we cannot trust their answers.

We should not take the chance, at least until we find some way to determine who genuinely rejects the political goals of Islam and who does not. In the meantime, we should stop all immigration into the United States by Muslims.

Does this seem extreme? It’s not as unreasonable as it might seem. We already choose who can immigrate and who cannot. We make the rules. This is our country, after all. We are not under any obligation to allow anyone to immigrate just because they want to. They do it with our blessing or they don’t do it.

So this policy would simply add a new distinction to the already-existing immigration criteria.

The first criticism of this policy will probably be, “It is racist.” But Islam is not a race; it’s an ideology. This proposed policy is nothing more than informed, reasonable self-preservation. If there is a groupof any kind (religious or not) with an established intent to overthrow our government, it would be self-destructive to grant entry to their members.

The situation is urgent because at some point the Muslim voting block will be too significant for a politician to risk alienating.

Let us do the smart thing and stop Muslim immigration to the United States now. Join with us and sign this petition. And then urge everyone you know to sign it.


  1. From the essence of the writing it clearly shows how ignorant of Islam the writer is. What does American concept of democracy, human rights, equity and justice imply? And what does Islam says about all those? In fact the ‘shari’a’ is a set of laws that Islam asks its followers to follow ardently and diligently. But at the same time Islam says, ‘There’s no compulsion in religion’. May we ask why does the US interns the so-called ‘Talibans’/extremists in Guantanamo Bay? They call it terrorism and terrorism is punishable with death. And what is the legal verdict for a convict for a third degree murder? The answer is electric chair or lethal injection. Why? Why does not the US law condones the crime? Vis-a-vis Islam also dictates that a killer deserves to be killed but unlike the US or British law a convict sentenced to death has a better choice in Islam. The convict may be acquitted if he pays blood money or the relatives’ near and dear ones pardon him. What is the punishment for sedition in the British or US laws? And what does Islam say about that? However without going into the details it can be said that the writer has a very jaundiced and distorted view of Islam and it’s due to his ignorance of Islam as a complete code of life. He cunningly forgets that Islam is a religion of peace. not war on whatever excuse there might be, even the so-called ‘war on terror’. Of course Islam does not indulge in deception, falsehood, treachery and aggression on any excuse.

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